Church Membership

How to become a member of First Baptist Church Lake Park?

There are several prerequisites that a person must fulfill in membership process of our faith family:

  1. By professing faith in Jesus Christ Lord and Savior and committing to follow Him through baptism by immersion.

  2. By coming to request baptism by immersion if you are already a believer in Jesus Christ but have never been baptized in that manner.

  3. By transferring membership from another Southern Baptist Church.

  4. By stating the fact that you have previously accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, and been baptized by immersion but that you do not have a membership in a Southern Baptist Church.

  5. By completing the Next Steps Membership Class and affirming our Church Membership Covenant.

Who can be a member of First Baptist Church Lake Park?

Any person who has publicly professed faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, followed Him in believer’s baptism by immersion, commits to the Biblical expectations of church membership, and fulfills the other prerequisites stated above, may become a member of First Baptist Church Lake Park.

Biblical Expectations of Church Membership

1. I will protect the unity of my church by:

  • Acting in love toward other members

  • Refusing to gossip

  • Following the leadership faithfully

(Scripture References: Romans 15:19, Romans 15:5, 1 Peter 1:22, Ephesians 4:29, Hebrews 13:17)

2. I will share the responsibility of my church by:

  • Praying for its growth

  • Inviting the unchurched to attend

  • Warmly welcome those who visit

(Scripture References: 1 Thessalonians 1:2, Luke 14:23, Romans 15:7)

3. I will serve the ministry of my church by:

  • Discovering my gifts and talents

  • Being equipped to serve

  • Developing a servant’s heart

(Scripture References: 1 Peter 4:10, Ephesians 4:11-12, Philippians 2:3,4,7)

4. I will support the testimony of my church by:

  • Discovering my gifts and talents

  • Being equipped to serve

  • Developing a servant’s heart

(Scripture References: 1 Peter 4:10, Ephesians 4:11-12, Philippians 2:3,4,7)

Why Church Membership?

Christ is committed to the church.

Membership is an antidote to “church hopping/shopping.”

Membership defines who can be counted on within our faith family.

Membership produces spiritual growth through accountability.